Informacje o książce

Focus 2 second edition. Students Book

Pearson  /   Podręcznik do nauki

Rok wydania: 2019  
ISBN: 9788378826989


1. Generation Y 

2. Generation Z

3. Generation Z

4. Generation X

Fragmenty tekstu wskazujące na poprawne odpowiedzi:

1. (Tekst 2:) 'Lots of Generation Ys went to university, but because of unemployment they find it hard to get jobs that make them happy.'

2. (Tekst 3:) 'Generation Z believe in getting a good education, but they worry about university fees.'

3. (Tekst 3:) 'Generation Z don't care about where you're from or the colour of your skin.'

4. (Tekst 1:) 'Generation X grew up with both parents at work during the day. This is one of the reasons they are independent.'

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